Tuesday, 26 December 2006

Trolleys taking over Godalming...

I was browsing flickr late last night, as you do, and I found a trolley spotter. I'm very amused, but he does have a point. There's a Sainsbury's trolley right outside my house right now (which I may go steal and use for something, I don't know. It's been there about a week, and for the record, I guess Sainsbury's is about a mile away).

Anyway, be amused, I was.

Monday, 25 December 2006

The standard Christmas message.

I want waffles oh yes I do, I want waffles and so should you.

Wednesday, 20 December 2006

The Incomplete Manifesto

Bruce Mau wrote this in 1998, and I always find it an interesting and inspirational read.

I don't agree with all of it, but I do like what he's saying.

Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Burning the Clocks

I'm going to Brighton for Yule (21st) - Mum's treating me for Xmas. We're going to the Burning of the Clocks, which looks amazing. I think I missed Yule last year, shame on me. I think I was generally lazy the last holiday season.

I'm going to take a camera, I just have to pick which one...

Some thoughts...

Time and memory fades all too quickly. All those amazing moments and experiences, gone, lost.

Is the fact that we're allowed to have those moments at all the reason we're not allowed to keep them all? Is that the price? Is that why we're told to live in the now? Is there only room in one's head to keep some of them? All of the above? I do hope not. I want them all.

If there's nothing to look back on, what do we have to look forward to? How would we know?

Sometimes people walk into your life, knock you off your feet for whatever reason, and you wonder what you did to deserve them. People are the most amazing things. They can also be the most annoying things, but that's ok. It makes the good ones that much more special.

If you can't be bothered to get out of bed in the morning, do it anyway. You never know what might happen.

Thanks for sharing my random moment.

When the fat cat sings...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is Paws, eying up Shaun the Sheep as her next snack. Paws is a greedy fat cat, and today at the vets I got a bit of a lecture, and they even gave me a graph to show how her weight's gone up to 6kg! So, Paws is on a diet. I will keep you updated, but be rooting for Paws, cause a diet at Xmas? That's gotta suck.

Saturday, 16 December 2006

Black Christmas Update

So we saw Black Christmas. I got mostly what I expected, and was pleased to see that the Final Destinationer's creativity with deaths was not lost (I won't spoil it, but, ice).

It was pure entertaining rubbish! What else can I say? Like cheesy teen horror with a flimsy plot, bland acting and a woman that looks like a man, go see this film.

Kept me entertained anyway, I love picking apart horror :D

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Black Christmas

I'm excited. Why? Because I love cheesy horror. The Final Destination films are on my list of favourites, because they are mostly rubbish. And that's what makes them so good.

Black Christmas - made by the people who made the FD movies, a *remake*, the cast list is mostly a remash of people from the FD films, and the annoying one from Buffy. And and and, it revolves around Christmas. Magic. I expect laughs. The clip I watched earlier floored me. It seems the producers haven't got any less inventive with their deaths.

Friday. I'm excited. And yes I am a tad morbid.

Saturday, 9 December 2006

Take a Bow - Coming Soon to DA

Update: Now available on DA, although still not happy with the photo.

Some of you know I was painting, and painting I did. The piece is finished, however, the photo I have of it, it was still wet, and the painting is now down at my boyfriend's in Portsmouth. So, until I'm next round there to take a decent photo to put on DeviantArt, you'll just have to cope with the sneak preview in my photobucket here. The lighting of the photo is also rubbish, so basically, it looks an awful lot better than that.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Click to fullview
DeviantArt Description - This is Matt Bellamy (aka Tiny Man) of Muse, at the opening of some concert in Las Vegas. Or at least that's the reference I used for it. There are differences however, just not many. Reference is here

I went to see Muse a few weeks ago with someone quite lufly. The concert was amazing, and I missed art, and felt like doing something creative with the experience. They opened the concert with Take a Bow, and in this amazing moment when the singing stopped and the music took off, Matt stepped up, kissed his fist and thrust it in the air. Everyone went wild, it was amazing. And that was the entire basis for this painting. You can see a not great quality vid of the opening here

Acryllic on card - roughly A2 size. Maybe, 20 hours? On the painting, the sketch took about 2/3 I should imagine.

I gave it away the same day I finished it, now hung proudly on the lufly person's wall.


As an aside, we have tickets to see Muse at Wembley Stadium - woooooooooooooo.

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Something to do on a Sunday night...

Giant Mars bar
Originally uploaded by snowtru.
Not the best photo in the world, my phone camera is rubbish.

Anyway, Sunday night Ed and I got eight Mars bars, melted the ends, and made one giant Mars bar. Just because. We're awesome. ;P

Monday, 4 December 2006

Roxy and the Ghost Hands

The compilation album thus far:

1. I Know a Song that'll get on your Bananaphone
2. I Bananaphone
3. A Little Bananaphone
4. Take a Bananaphone

Sunday, 3 December 2006

Bladerunner Unicorn

Bladerunner Unicorn
Originally uploaded by snowtru.
I was looking through some of my old research, and found a photo of this - an origami unicorn I made when I was doing a project about Bladerunner. The site with instructions is here.

Saturday, 2 December 2006

I don't like Saturdays...

These past two weeks I've had to get up stupidly early on a Saturday. I don't have a Saturday job anymore, therefore I resent it. Today was for a boring mundane reason, but I did end up working from 8am until about half 8 tonight on one of my projects, and yet, I still feel I should have done more :P

I did stop, and, I got my paint out. *PAINT* I have it on my face, it's quite exciting. I think I thoroughly ruined the outlining I did for this piece, but I don't care. I enjoyed myself. I had to voluntarily stop though because I am so god damned tired. Plus it will end up being awesome I'm sure, I just haven't painted in about 18 months :/

Also, I wasn't aware Jared Leto could sing. And now I am. I've been listening to 30 Seconds to Mars pretty much all day. I really like their music. It reminds me of things like Nickleback I guess. Which I also liked. It went with the mood anyway, and that's why I like music, moods.

Friday, 1 December 2006

Purple is a fruit...

Just as a random post, some awesome Simpsons quotes (mostly Homer, Homer is god).

"Purple is a fruit"

Bart: b-6
Homer: you sunk my scrabbleship!
Lisa: this game makes no sense.
Homer: tell that to the good men who just lost their lives... SEMPER-FI!

Homer: Aw, twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut!
Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!
Homer: Explain how!
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services!
Homer: Woo-hoo!

Marge: Homer! There's someone here who can help you...
Homer: Is it Batman?
Marge: No, he's a scientist.
Homer: Batman's a scientist?!
Marge: It's not Batman!


Homer: [Looking at a globe map...country being Uruguay]
Hee hee! Look at this country! 'You are gay.'

Billy Corgan: "Billy Corgan, 'Smashing Pumpkins'."
Homer Simpson: "Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

Homer: "Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum"

I could go on, but those are some of my favourites I can remember at this present moment in time. There's a whole site dedicated to this here.