Friday 12 January 2007


Adbusters have announced 'Slow Down Week' (see the animation here). The premise being:

For one week, instead of running to catch the bus or zipping in and out of traffic, try walking to work. Instead of grabbing take-out on the way home, cook a meal with your family. Leave the TV and computer off, and play an old-fashioned board game, or just sit and catch up with family and friends. If possible, take a day off work — and then while it away with a long walk and an afternoon nap.

It sounds interesting, but then one has to have been going fast in the first place for that to work :P

I checked out the latest Adbusters in the liiiibary t'other day, it was a roundup of 2006 edition, which, as per usual, scared me senseless. It's very interesting though. Always worth reading.

Also, it being new year and all, I thought I'd share this link with you - yes everyone claims to have the secret to willpower, but this kind of thing I think would actually work if anyone actually tried it.

And now, I must go blitz my Play to Create project...........

ETA: I've been chocolateless since Sunday.... similar to last year I've given it up.

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