Sunday, 4 March 2007

Money Money Money Money Mushroom Mushroom Money Money Money

I tend to read a lot of things on how to not procrastinate, life stuff, but usually fail at actually implementing anything etc.

I love Zen Habits - I tend to use it to procrastinate with - haha, completely the opposite of it's purpose, but you know, it's interesting.

Anyway, the author of Zen Habits did this thing where he tracked his expenses for a month and worked out what percentage of them were necessary.

My boyfriend and I thought we'd try it, for funsies. I'm going to document mine here, just because it's somewhere I always have access to. Although unlike Leo we're doing two weeks of normal spending and then two weeks of trying to cut down on the unnecessary expenses and then comparing. I do think though that documenting it alone will affect the first two weeks simply because we're more aware of what we're spending and more likely to think it through.

Also I won't be generalising food as groceries, otherwise I could buy eight packets of M&Ms and consider them necessary. I'm thinking healthy eating here - if I'm aware of how much money I spend on crap food I'm more likely to not spend it, and therefore it's more healthy. Woo.

1st March

2nd March
Ribena £1.10 - U

3rd March
Train Ticket £10.65 - N
Cake and Crisps £2 - U
Carrots £0.23 - N
Flour £0.31 - N
Loo Roll £1.69 - N
Lettuce £0.49 - N
Quorn Burgers £1.79 - N
Goats Cheese £1.35 - U
Sweetcorn £1.99 - N
Broccoli £0.54 - N
Cucumber £0.47 - N
White Rolls £0.20 - N
M&Ms £2 - U
Red Pepper £0.78 - N

4th March
Petrol £10.02 - N

Totals so far...
Necessary - £29.16 81.89%
Unnecessary - £6.45 18.11%

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