Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Time flies.

I'm not doing so well with the not spending unnecessary money it would seem. I'm going to try to rectify that since I only have about £100 to last me until April 16th...

I also missed a few expenses off of this, car insurance because while it's come out of my account I'm still not 100% sure how much it was because they made changes. When it shows up on the statement I'll consider it gone. Also, I ordered two books off of amazon - totaling about £12, but I plan to get reimbursed for that as Easter presents.

They were...

I'm working towards a goal of a more varied and healthy diet and I'd heard good things about these books. Once they arrive I'm going to aim to try one recipe a week and work out what I like, don't like and can grow to like. I'm an incredibly fussy eater and a huge cheesatarian so it should be good to get some variation...

Monday 19th March

Broccoli £0.42
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream £2.50
Curly Fries £0.99
Waffles £1.69
Pepper £0.78
Organic Goats Cheese £1.29
Pasta £0.85
Crisps £0.48
Quorn Escallops £1.99
Bagels £0.70
Lindor Egg £0.50
Cheese Baps £0.20
Butternut Chunks £0.75
Houmous £0.99
Birthday Card £1.85
Gift Voucher £10

Totals so far...
Necessary £141.46 73.41%
Unnecessary £51.25 26.59%

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